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5 Benefits of Balancing Hormones with Mid-life Pilates and Exercise

Exercise plays a significant role in balancing various hormones in the body. Specifically in mid-life during perimenopause and menopause, the imbalance of hormones causes all kinds of symptoms including mood swings and weight gain to sleep disturbances and decreased energy levels.

In this article we'll explore the five benefits of balancing hormones with mid-life pilates. It is a great form of exercise to choose with the aim of alleviating symptoms, improving overall wellbeing, as well as metabolic, endocrine and immune system function.

Mid-life woman in happy mood after Pilates

Here are the five benefits of balancing hormones with Pilates and exercise in mid-life:

1. Stress Management & Mood Boost: Cortisol, Endorphins, Serotonin & Dopamine

Balancing hormones - woman smiling mood boost

Pilates is fantastic at managing stress with its focus on mind-body connection and deep breathing. This lowers cortisol levels, which are often elevated due to chronic stress, and can become higher as we age and in mid-life. When elevated for extended periods, cortisol can cause havoc on the body, including an impact on insulin resistance and weight gain (see point 2).

Exercise naturally stimulates the release of feel-good endorphins, serotonin & dopamine, useful to counter feelings of depression and anxiety that may be worsened with mid-life hormonal fluctuations. Endorphins act as natural mood-boosters and painkillers, great for joint pain and similar symptoms. An increase in serotonin levels can also positively impact mood, as well as digestion, memory, sexual function and sleep! Increased dopamine gives a natural high and helps remove that uneasy feeling created by stress.

After a Pilates session, many women report feeling a mood boost, helping them cope better with the emotional ups and downs of this life stage!

2. Weight Management and Energy Levels: Insulin and Thyroid

Measuring tape around waist - weight loss in mid-life

Insulin resistance can become more common as we age, particularly as estrogen declines during perimenopause and after menopause, and as cortisol rises. This can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Regular exercise, particularly strength training and Pilates, can improve insulin sensitivity by helping the body use glucose more effectively and keeping blood sugar levels stable.

Additionally, exercise boosts thyroid function, increasing the production of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4), that increases metabolism to help with maintaining a healthy weight, energy levels, and overall hormonal balance.

3. Balancing Sex Hormones: Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone

Osteoporosis, osteopenia dexa bone scan xray

For women, especially during perimenopause and menopause, keeping a balance between estrogen and progesterone is key to managing symptoms such as hot flushes, anxiety and weight gain as well as maintaining bone health. Getting your heart rate up for at least half an hour every day helps boost estrogen levels! As we have already seen, Pilates can reduce cortisol, a stress hormone that can negatively affect progesterone levels.

Pilates-based strength training can also increase testosterone levels, which is beneficial for maintaining muscle growth, bone density, and energy.

4. Growth and Repair: Growth Hormone (HGH)

Mid-life woman sleeping

Pilates and exercise, stimulates the release of growth hormone, HGH. Sleep quality is often affected by perimenopause and menopause and exercise not only promotes better sleep, but this is when your body releases HGH the most. This hormone is essential for cell repair, muscle and bone growth, controls fat metabolism, and supports our immune system: recovery and rejuvenation processes.

5. Appetite and Energy Regulation: Leptin, Ghrelin, Adrenaline, and Noradrenaline

Mid-life woman eating donut

Physical activity regulates the hormones that control appetite and energy balance. Mid-life (perimenopausal and menopausal) sugar cravings are a challenging factor in weight management so a balance of leptin and ghrelin levels (leptin signals satiety, helping control appetite, while ghrelin stimulates hunger), will help.

Exercise also increases the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline, which prepare the body for physical activity by increasing your heart rate, blood flow to muscles, overall alertness and energy.

Pilates for mid-life hormone health

Engaging in regular exercise is a great way to balance a variety of hormones that play key roles in stress management, metabolism and weight management, mood regulation, and overall health. Whether you choose Pilates alone or incorporate it into your wider exercise programme, it's a smart choice to maintain an active lifestyle during mid-life and beyond!

I would love to hear from you if you're interested in Pilates to manage any mid-life or menopausal challenges that you're facing. Get in touch or book online.

Ali x


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